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Gall Bladder Stone Removal Treatment

If you are looking for a suitable clinics to treat digestive disorder, Dr. Javeri’s Clinic is one a kind. He is one of the most sublime and superlative Gall Bladder Stone Removal Doctors in Mumbai. The surgeons perform a procedure for gall bladder removal, referred to as cholecystectomy, if the gall bladder stones are causing any serious problems. The gall bladder is not a fundamental organ; human body can remain active and healthy without it as well.
Gall Bladder is a small sac or a bag that stores bile juice in itself. Bile juice is a digestive liquid produced by the liver that helps in the breakdown of the dietary fats and improves the digestive procedure by making it faster and smoother. The Gall Bladder then keeps on extracting water from the bag of Bile Juice untill it becomes completely concentrated.
Biliary Calculi or as we say gallstones are small stones made from the combination of calcium salts, bile pigment, and cholesterol. Gallstones are a disorder of generic digestive system that usually infects around 15% of the population aged 50 and above. In most cases, gall bladder stones don’t cause any serious problems. However, you may still require a gall bladder stone treatment if the they cause complications like blocking the ducts, infections, or pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). We need more and more Gall Bladder Stone Removal Doctors in Mumbai but those who study minute details of the disease and provide the best possible treatment to cure the root cause of the problem.

Treatment for Gallstones in Mumbai

To initiate Gall Bladder Treatment, the gallstones and affected gall bladder has to be removed by a medical sytem called Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. In this procedure, the gall bladder is removed using minified instruments through small insertions made in the abdomen. This procedure is known as Laparoscopic Treatment. Laparoscopic Gall Blader Treatment in Mumbai is a common concept and is adapted by Dr. Javeri’s at the earliest. Dr. Javeri is, any which ways, considered the finest and Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Mumbai.
Symptomatic Management

  • Treatment of symptoms of pain with injectable or oral pain killers.
  • No medical therapy is available for gallstones as such which can cure the disease.

Procedures to remove the Gall Bladder include:

1. Keyhole Surgery for Gall Bladder Stone or Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Under this surgery, the surgeon makes a number of small sized cuts, incisions, through the skin to allow access to the surgical instruments.
2. Open Surgery: Under the open surgery for Gall Bladder, the surgeons reach the gall bladder through a wide abdominal incision.
Gall Bladder Surgery

Dr. Javeri is best in practice when it comes to Gall Bladder Stone Treatment in Mumbai. Surgery to remove the gall bladder is the only way to treat gallstones. The surgeon makes few tiny incisions in the abdomen of the patient and inserts surgical instruments and a minute telescope with amounted video camera into the abdomen. The camera provides a magnified image of the body organs to a video monitor, giving the surgeon a enlarged and clear view of the organs and tissues. The surgeon then uses the instruments to carefully separate the gall bladder from the liver. The gall bladder is then slowly removed through one of the small cuts. Recovery usually occurs within a few hours in most of the cases. As there is no damage to the muscles during laparoscopic surgery, patients have less pain and negligible wound complications.
If the surgeon finds any difficulty in the laparoscopic procedure, the operating team may decide to switch over to open surgery. It is therefore known as open surgery because the surgeon has to make a 5 to 8 inch incision in the abdomen to remove the gallbladder. Open surgery has faded into the background with the laparoscopic technique emerging by providing significant advantages and ease for the patient as well as the surgeon.
Dr. Javeri is recommended as the finest Gall Bladder Stone Removal Doctors in Mumbai. Get complete treatment for Gall Stone Removal at Dr. Javeri’s at best and reasonable prices. Dr. Vinod Javeri is also among the most admirable and renowned Endo Urology Doctors in Mumbai. He provides complete surgical and medicational treatment for the same as well.
Dr.Vinod Javeri has successfully administered numerous keyhole surgeries for Gall Bladder stone removal without any complications or major side effects. He has the best and practised hand in GB. He is therefore considered one of the finest Gall Bladder Stone Removal Doctors in Mumbai.

enefits of connecting with us -

  • This surgery requires small sized four incisions opening to be made in the abdomen, rather than the large sized incision.
  • Patients often have minimal post-operation pain.
  • A faster recovery is observed and most patients go home the same day of the surgery and enjoy a quicker return to normalcy.

It is always better to choose the Best Gall Bladder Surgeon in Mumbai. To know more about the surgery, cost, and appointment with possible rebates, connect with us.