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Male Infertility And Impotency Treatment

Dr. Javeri is one of the most recommmended doctors when it comes to Male Infertility and Impotence Treatment in Mumbai. Firstly, before getting treated for the Infertility and Impotence issues, you need to clearly understand the concept and the difference between these two medical problems.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.
Dr. Vinod Javeri, is a best andrologist in Mumbai for Male Fertility Treatment in Mumbai practicing in Mumbai since a long time. He is an Honorary Andrologist for Male infertility and Impotence Treatment in Mumbai.
Impotence, whether it is due to diabetes or some other cause, does not have to be permanent. Virtually every patient with impotence can be helped. And, in many cases, couples may choose between several effective treatment options. He might be most recommended doctor for Andrology Treatment in Mumbai.
Before people get treated for Male Infertility and Impotence Treatment in Mumbai at Dr. Javeri’s, we consider that people are well-aware of the concepts before consulting and that one should know what is the root problem the person is facing. Being impotent doesn’t mean you are infertile, although it still makes the concept tricky to get in the first attempt. Infertility does not mean you’re impotent. However, both conditions can have a relatively strong impact on your sexual relationships and affect self esteem as well to some extent.
Impotence: The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

  • Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
  • Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
  • Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
  • Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
  • Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.
Infertility: Low sperm count, fewer sperm with normal motility/morphology. Infertility can have a variety of causes:
  • Medicines such as chemotherapy can help in reducing testosterone levels - other medicines for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease can also have negative effects on male fertility.
  • Continuous stress exerts high levels of adrenaline, cortisol and other hormones that cause imbalances, including an over-production of prolactin, a hormone that acts as an obstacle in sperm production and motility.
  • Smoking (both tobacco and marijuana) and heavy alcohol use can cause fertility issues.
  • Injury to the groin area
  • Genetic or hereditary issues can also be a cause

You can definitely get the best in class treatment for Male Infertility and Impotence Treatment in Mumbai at Dr. Javeri’s Clinic. Follow the below procedures to begin the treatment. Some tactics are clearly, well effective that can definitely reduce the infertility and impotency issues to a great extent -
  • Stress management strategies which includes meditation, counselling and creating a balanced life can help significantly.
  • The “Standard American Diet” or SAD, has been found to cause a great many health problems including infertility. This diet, which is directed towards high intake of sugar and unhealthy fat, results in imbalancing of hormonal activities which leaves a negative impact on both fertility and sexual performance. A healthy diet based on food related to whole grains and vegetables will improve your health, balance hormonal levels and aid in restoring fertility.
  • Exercise, both to stay lean, lower stress levels and boost testosterone levels.
  • Abandon the habit of smoking and reducing back absolutely on heavy marijuana intake and alcohol consumption can help prevent and treat hundreds of health conditions, including Erectile Dysfunction and Infertility.
  • Aging is generally related with both Impotence and Infertility. But in most of the cases, changes in lifestyle can reciprocate the problem for older men, making it possible both to achieve pregnancy and sexual satisfaction even in the senior years.

Our promise to you is quality Fertility Treatment – we deliver this every single day through investing in the best in class staff, error-free procedures and modern technology. You can avail superior medication at costs that are very affordable – with results that are comparable to those in advanced countries. Dr. Javeri is a well-known Surgeon for Male Infertility and Impotence Treatment in Mumbai. He is one of the finest and the Best Andrologist in Mumbai that offers Infertility and Impotency Treatment with all the possible and related causes, depending on each separate case and then concluding with an effective solution that can affect the root cause of the issue. Thus, If you are searching for any issues related to Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Mumbai or any other sexual problem, the most preferable sexologist you can consult is Dr. Javeri.